謝兆龍 Shawn Tse
Edmonton Artist, Filmmaker, Organizer

My Favourite Things in Chinatown, Edmonton Amiskwaciwâskahikan (2020) Video Performance
Edmonton Amiskwaciwâskahikan (Beaver Hills House) is located on Treaty 6 territory, traditional territory of the Papaschase Cree, and in the homeland of the Métis Nation. This video was created in Chinatown with the intention of respecting and recognizing Indigenous sovereignty. Building better relations between settler and Indigenous groups is critical for the health of our communities. Exhibited at Mile Zero Dance, Free & Easy Wandering curated by Paul Giang.
Thirdspace Playback Theatre Group (On-going) Actor
Exploring the themes of intersecting identities through Playback Theatre in order to promote dialogue, community change, and social justice.
A series of digital blessings- my Chinese facades for luck, prosperity, and truth.
Connecting Overseas: Safe & Secure (2020) Artist
Developing 4 anonymous relationships in Edmonton and act as their messenger to deliver care to loved ones living amidst the Hong Kong protests. Exhibited at Mitchell Art Gallery, Grasping at the Roots curated by Christina Battle.
Invisible Gate (tbd) by Studio F Minus. Community Engagement and Documentation
A Kinistinâw Park public art project inspired by Harbin Gate and the people of Edmonton's Chinatown. Created by Studio F Minus.
Figure 一, 二, 三, 六, 八 (2019) Project Lead & Filmmaker
A community art project using Chinese ink paintings & film to highlight the historical and cultural impacts of Edmonton's ever-changing Chinatown. Exhibited at ASSIST Community Services Centre.
Gentrification Party at Nuit Blanche (2018) by Aiya! Collective. Photographer & Performer
A collection of art performances and activities on Sep. 29-30 from 7pm-7am to honour and bring attention to Edmonton’s Chinatown. Public art at former Harbin Gate site.
Harbin Gate Remembrance (2018) by Aiya! Collective. Artist & Engagement
A series of on-going public actions, dialogues, and art creations to remember, mourn, be sad, angry, and share our hopes and wishes for Edmonton's Harbin Gate which was removed 11/4/17. Public art at former Harbin Gate site.